On 27 Aug 1996, Rob Browning wrote:

> Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > (Until they try to remove all editors)
> I don't want to cause trouble, but why don't we just completely
> disallow the removal of ae.  It's harmless, and the entire package
> only takes up 54K.  I can't see that it's worth spending another
> second even thinking about.
> Am I missing something?
Well, this brings us full circle.
Rob, the declaration of ae as essential has been declared a bug. This kept
ae from being removed which caused some to complain. The current
discussion is an attempt to move beyond this. 
Ian's position is that it doesn't matter if ae and all other editors are
removed from the system. Yours is that it doesn't matter if ae can't be
removed. I hope that we can come to some middle ground here.



------------                                          --------------

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
      Flexible Software              Fax:     NONE 
      Black Creek Critters           e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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