On Sat, 31 Aug 1996, James A. Robinson wrote:

jimr>My first thought was that the postinst should probably ask whether or
jimr>not it should set up an announce mailing list -- we might already have
jimr>such an aliases, or be using majordomo, or just want to check
jimr>smartlist out without creating a list yet.
But you need a list to test it. Ok. I can ask for it.

jimr>The postinst is broken, it should use "hostname --fqdn" not "hostname
jimr>-fqdn" (the extra dash does it...).  The postinst should also check to
jimr>see whether or not newaliases exists before trying to run it, since
jimr>some of us haven't get our MTA set up to use it.
newaliases could only run when the automatic announce list is generated.
The hostname stuff works fine on debian 1.1.X. Seems that rex contains
an incompatible version. Will fix it on next release.

jimr>I thought it might get rid of "add following to /etc/aliases from the
jimr>"create announce" it does, because it adds the aliases itself.
That is what the standard script spits out. Could have a note appear
though to not take it for earnest.

There is another issue with Smartlist which is the automatic generation of
the list user. I do that with a sed script on /etc/passwd which is not
nice. Can anybody point me to the right direction how to use adduser to
add a user and a group without it asking any questions?

And could some kind soul finally get me on the debian-developers mailing
list? I have subscribed a couple of times with no result by writing
email to the request address.

{}    Snail Mail:   FTS Box 466, 135 N.Oakland Ave, Pasadena, CA 91182        {}
{}    FISH Internet System Administrator at Fuller Theological Seminary       {}
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