On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Michael Bramer wrote:

> > Maybe I have on next WE more time and I can improve the server and
> > make this notification mail configable per package and someone can
> > remove his packages from the notification process.

> You didn't already?

> Jeez... In the US, this is illegal... and isn't gluck located in the
> states?

There are laws prohibiting Unsolicited Commercial Email and Unsolicited Bulk
Email in the United States.  I don't think one DD notifying other DDs by email
whenever translations have been updated for their packages qualifies as either
'Commercial' or 'Bulk'. :P

Whereas it does fall under the 'Unsolicited' modifier, and if select DDs wish
not to receive these messages, I can see where such a request should be

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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