On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Junichi Uekawa wrote:

> Hello,
> I was writing a script to see how much a package is depended upon,
> i. e. cumulatively culculating Reverse-Build-Deps, and
> Reverse-dependencies. However, I thought it might be useful to see
> what kind of packages have a "weight", i.e. needs fixing first for 
> packages to enter "testing".
> As I anticipated, it has a lot of "loops", and it is going in ridiculous
> values. These things should have had trouble when porting to new arches,
> but anyway, I have put the script up on
> http://mikilab.doshisha.ac.jp/~dancer/analyse-sourcepackages
> It requires Packages.gz and Sources.gz on the current directory.
> It needs tweaking (like removing all base/required/build-essential packages 
> from the 
> selection to reduce the number of loops), but anyway.
> The number on the left is the superficious "number of packages which depend
> on this package", hopefully. 
> 3.24463e+09 liburi-perl

You need to debug your script. We don't have this much packages in any of
our archives. Not even...

> 29169746 readline4

... this much.

wouter dot verhelst at advalvas dot be

"Human knowledge belongs to the world"
  -- from the movie "Antitrust"

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