>>>>> "GOTO" == GOTO Masanori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    GOTO> wanderlust (package: wl) ?  It is also slow but it has nice
    GOTO> feature including mail caching and imap disconnect mode.

Looks Interesting. 

I even found documentation in English!

It seems to be a good mail reader, but I am having problems
connecting using SSL/TLS.

My last attempt produced an error that I need "starttls", but I can't
find any "starttls" program in the Debian archive...

    GOTO> wanderlust suits your purpose.  I also had trouble to select
    GOTO> imap offline cache program previously, but wanderlust took
    GOTO> me the answer.

Yes. It looks good here.

I still haven't found out how to work it properly yet (eg. I couldn't
work out how to get it to download new messages for off line reading),
but from what I have seen it is very good.

It is just a pity that gnus won't install at the same time. I tried
chaos instead, but couldn't get imap to work :-(

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