On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 03:18:35PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
>         I'm a student at Kent University Canterbury UK I will be starting 
> my final year project some time next
> year and I am looking to find a project that involves linux development 
> ideally kernel / module based or a port
> of software to a specific platform.  I am unsure as to what projects are 
> about as I have to do a unique project
> and not a redevelopment of something that has already been done. Any 
> ideas.

Well, that was a bit apropos of nothing...

The most obvious think that jumps to mind in kernel development is to
pick a random piece of unsupported hardware, reverse engineer its
protocol and write a driver for it. For example, I believe there are
quite a few unsupported digital cameras.  Or perhaps lego mindstorms
(or did someone already write a driver for that?). Use your


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