On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 03:51:05PM -0500, Ardo van Rangelrooij wrote:
[AxKit not working due to Apache expat linkage]

> I've no problem NMU'ing apache, but that might break other packages
> (which?).  There are two ways to NMU:
> 1. leave out expat: this is the simplest way since it only requires a
> small change in the debian/rules file
> 2. build with the least version of expat (as described in bug #96093):
> that's more work given the way it's currently packaged (the upstream
> source are in tarballs which are unrolled during build)
> Any help in resolving this situation is greatly appreciated.
Option 2 isn't actually that hard to do - you can put a patch against
the tarball in debian/patches and it'll get applied when the tarball is
unrolled. However why is Apache build with expat? Surely either option 1
removes functionality or doesn't and if it doesn't then is there any
reason not to choose it over linking expat dynamically? And if it does
then Option 2 makes more sense.


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