On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 04:03:11PM -0700, Sulaiman Fahad Alhasawi wrote:
>  I dont find any packge that supports iso 8859-6
>  -- that is arabic fonts .

Try iso10646-1 fonts. The fixed fonts at 10x20, 9x15, 9x15B and helvR12
all have most of the Arabic characters, as does the GNU Unifont. You
might want to submit a bug on xfonts-base-transcoded for making 8859-6
fonts from those.
>  Do you need some arabic people to participate 
>  in arabic fonts  project ? It would be my pleasure .

This mailing list is the wrong mailing list for this. Try debian-i18n,
or better yet, the lists at arabeyes.org (a site for Arabizing Unix.)

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
When the aliens come, when the deathrays hum, when bombers bomb,
we'll still be freakin' friends. - "Freakin' Friends"

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