hi guys,
i am not yet an official maintainer, but i do already have an advocate
and sponsor (Colin - what's the status?)

however, in the mean time i am happily packaging along and submitting
ITP's to bugs.debian.org the proper way. However, not once has one of
these ITPs reached the debian-devel list. they have been confirmed,
but they haven't been posted. am i doing something wrong, or do i
actually need to be debian developer to submit these?

the packages i would like to contribute:

  iprelay -- user space bandwidth limitation and relay daemon
  ipcalc -- ipv4 parameter calculator
  muttprofile -- manager for mutt profiles
  bind9-chroot -- convert a bind9 installation to a chroot'd one
  proftpd-chroot -- convert a proftpd installation to a chroot'd one
there are also many more in preparation.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- oxymoron: micro$oft works

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