On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 01:39:38PM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 25-Sep-01, 22:59 (CDT), Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote: 
> > and filing, what, a dozen new bugs against ftp.debian.org every week is
> > something other than harassment [0]?
> How is it harrasment? 

How is it not?

"Well, clearly after making the package from scratch, the next step is to
get it into the archive, and responsibility for that is with ftpmaster,
so let's reassign the bug to ftp.debian.org"

"Well, clearly after making a version of the package that fixes the bug, the
next step is to get it into the archive, and responsibility for that is with
ftpmaster, so let's reassign the bug to ftp.debian.org"

So why don't we just reassign every fixed bug to ftp.debian.org when
a package the maintainer thinks fixes the bug is uploaded? Hey, it's
just a todo list, and it'll be a nice public record of bugs that've had
fixes uploaded! Let's do it!!

> It's a todo list.

incoming/REPORT is a todo list, and one that's automatically managed
and in a format that's useful for ftpmaster and doesn't get in the way
of doing other things.

When did it become fashionable to dump contentious issues that don't
have the support of the people who'd be implementing them onto -devel
so we could get a nice public guilt trip about it? When did it become
fashionable for everyone to jump in and say "yes, yes, do it, what sort
of punk are you that you're not doing it, it's a perfectly reasonable
idea, how can you possibly be irritated by it, geez, can't we get someone
competent to do this" and unfashionable for anyone to jump in and defend
people actually doing stuff? When, for that matter, did it become popular
to try to force through bureacratic and political changes to the way
things are done instead of trying to think of technical changes that
might actually do some good for users, as well as your own ego?

aj, fed up with all this nonsense

Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

 ``Freedom itself was attacked this morning by faceless cowards.
     And freedom will be defended.''   Condolences to all involved.

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