Miquel van Smoorenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ah, so *that's* why I'm seeing a lot of open squares on webpages
> where I should see a Euro symbol. Instead of using iso8859-15, the
> site is using M$ bastard-8859-1. Well perhaps the Linux distro's
> should follow that example, put a Euro symbol at 0x80 in the 8859-1
> charset. It would not be completely standards-compliant but it would
> be easy and useful. Or would that make us just as bad as Microsoft
> where standards are concerned ?

If you call it ISO 8859-1: Yes.  If you call it windows-1252 or
cp1252, have a blast, but it will still be a lot of work.  Personally,
I think we should direct our energy towards Unicode support (in UTF8
form) instead.  It's about time we stopped patching the character sets
and started using something which scales worldwide.

Kjetil T.

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