On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 11:49:12PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
 IMO the good solution for this kind of problems is to use IMAP. don't
trust MUAs to work with files.

(of course, Evolution should play nice with symlinks)

Note that in his reply, the Evolution maintainer said "the Unix rename() function erases symlinks, therefore your symlinks being erased is not a bug". What? It's not a bug? Oy vey.

Let's see.  Then there is the "bug" with GnuPG signatures not being
verified correctly due to a Quoted Printable problem.  The answer to
that one was "The problem is the fault of one of our libraries, and it
isn't changing anytime soon, so this is not a bug".

See a trend?  That attitude scares me.  Saying "this would involve a
major rewrite; we'll take care of it later" would be acceptable.  Saying
"the code does things this way; ergo it's not a bug" just SCARES me.  I
feel like GNOME is just going to return us to the land of Microsoft,
where software does unexpected things, and assumes all users are idiots,
even if they are smart enough to use such fine Unix utilities as
"touch", "chown", "chmod", and "ln".

A user who doesn't know what he is doing will attempt to do everything
from the provided GUI.  Its shameful to assume that people that attempt
to use vi to edit their configurations are also idiots.


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