
Leon Breedt, on 2002-01-09, 12:42, you wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 02:16:19AM -0800, David D.W. Dowey wrote:
> > I'm willing to take the libpam-pgsql if you are willing to assign it to me.
> Go for it. If you want to take ownership of the code, I'd be very happy
> as well :)

I am the author of another pam-pgsql module. It was written to go along
with my libnss-pgsql which is already in Debian. You may want to have a
look at it. It is IMHO more stable than the one already packaged and I
will work on it in the next few weeks. Find it at

   http:// sf.net/projects/sysauth-pgsql
> There is a security problem with the way it accesses the database, in that
> single quotes are not escaped.

Note that my module has the problem fixed. I would also be willing
to maintain Debian packages if no one else wants to.

Regards, Joerg

Joerg "joergland" Wendland
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