I promised myself that I wouldn't get into this any more, but it seems
that people still aren't understanding...

On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 20:15, Carlos Laviola wrote:
> Well, it seems to me like you're implying there would be
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] that would be so lame that they would not know the
> difference between criticizing what can be very easily criticized (i.e., this
> infamous IIS server) and directly attacking someone like a script kiddie
> would do.  Frankly, I expect more of my fellow developers, and I think
> you should, too.

I expect more of my developers, but frankly I am rather pessimistic
about the average person. I can easily imagine someone who, upon reading
this in DWN, gets it into their head that Lindows.com is evil and should
'learn their lesson' for using IIS (if indeed it is them using IIS and
not just some anonymous hosting site).

> Also, it is amazing that pretty much no one else has showed disapproval
> of this.  Come on, people, there is no way in the world you can convince
> yourselves logically that it is okay to host a registration form in an
> IIS server because "we" were given money.  I believe principles are more
> important than money.

Just like me. But I believe actions are much more important than
principles. Let me reiterate this yet again: I am not giving
preferential treatment to Lindows.com in any way. I thank them because
they are the only people who did anything regarding this registration
form. *Nobody else _did_ anything.* It's not like someone said "Hey,
here's this registration form already hosted and working" and then
Lindows.com came to me and said "Here's another one" and I chose them.
Lindows.com gave me the *only* registration form I have received,

It's not a matter of being 'okay' that they're using IIS - it's a matter
of there being no alternatives because nobody bothered to make them,
even after this thread. I think if it was important to anybody, by this
point someone would have said "Here's an alternate form." Nobody has,
and now it's way too late - the publicity has made
http://lindows.com/debconf2 the authoritative URL to register for
Debconf 2.

We don't have to debate the 'rightness' or 'wrongness' of using IIS.
It's a bit strange that Debian's using a registration page running on
IIS, but that's just the way things fell. Lindows.com did us a favour --
without them there wouldn't have been *any* registration form. Remember

I hope this is the last of my replies to this thread.


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