On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 05:02, Ben Collins wrote:
> > But I do have a cursor font, even though I don't have xfonts-gimpers 1.8
> > installed (it refuses to install anyway). But I do have xfonts-artwiz
> > installed. I purged xfonts-gimpers from my system and now X has a brain
> > tumor. This is a critical bug and should have been fixed by now.
> apt-get install xfonts-artwiz- xfonts-gimpers
> That will deinstall xfonts-artwiz, so you can install xfonts-gimpers.
> You should file a bug on both of these packages since they need to
> conflict, or make use of alternatives instead of diversions for the
> common file.

They already conflict.

apt-cache show xfonts-gimpers | grep Conflicts
Conflicts: xfonts-artwiz (<< 2.0), big-cursor, artwiz-cursor

How you solve the upgrade problem, that's something else.

/Bastien Nocera

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