On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 12:34:40PM -0700, Dustin Norlander wrote:
> I have GPL'ed many of my freeware fonts.  They are all decorative fonts, so 
> they wont be of much use as screenfonts, but are good for logos, design 
> stuff ect..  A couple of them are quit old and not that great, but someone 
> might be able to make some use of them :)
> Michael - I'll leave it up to you if you want to package any of these.
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/balker.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/flatline.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/ItWasntMe.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/Junkyard.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/MarkedFool.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/Progenisis.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/Swift.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/Wargames.zip
> http://www.dustismo.com/fonts/Winks.zip
> Thanks
> Dustin

Great, Dustin, thank you. 

I will be packaging a number of truetype fonts for inclusion in debian
somehow, but the details are not fully worked out yet. I'll take a
look at these for to include in that package, or in a package of just
your fonts. 

Thanks again

michael cardenas | lead software engineer | lindows.com | hyperpoem.net

"Try and be a sheet of paper with nothing on it. Be a spot on the ground where 
nothing is growing, where something might be planted, a see possibly, from the 
- Rumi

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