On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 08:56:48PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> Firewall died, taking down disk.  New disk: clean install of Woody
> upgraded to testing.  Two network cards: 3COM 3C905C 10/100M as
> (internal) card (eth0) 3COM Etherlink III as cable modem facing
> (external) card eth1.
> Simple Iptables firewall. DHCP needs to work, as does ddtc for
> resolving dynamic addresses to .ddts.net.
> Now flooded with screens full of
> IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:04:76:de:b9:53:08:00 SRC=
> DST=255,255,255,255 LEN=328 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 PROTO=UDP
> SPT=68 DPT=67 LEN=308
> on all machines.

Because you installed 2.4 kernel :)

> Advice please - posting to debian-devel because I know I'll get some
> competence here!

Prevent this to happen again even if you want to log this, 

set in /etc/init.d/klogd

KLOGD="-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) -c 3"

I wonder why this script does not create /etc/default/klogd like other
init script.  Although it is conffile, I do not like editing it
directly for this trivial configuration.
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +++++
         Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA, GPG-key: A8061F32
 .''`.   Debian Reference: post-installation user's guide for non-developer
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