On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 03:37:14AM +0300, Nir Peled woke up, and decided to 
spew forth:
> I'm SURE you'll have a lot more *customers* If you'll add KDE3.0.3 (Released 
> few days ago) I'm also idleing in your server on the OPN network, And if 
> you'll join #debian in there you'll see the request for Newer KDE Is big.
> No one likes to compile from source (Which can make a dependencies problems).
> So, I know I don't really count for you, but It'll be very nice if you'll 
> release an update to KDE.

While this is true, you have to bear in mind both the development cycle
timeline as well as the level of bug hunting that takes place in Debian
GNU/Linux. Just because the latest and greatest was released the day
before does not entitle it to immediate inclusion in Debian. It has a
slew of bug testing to go through before it even makes it into the
*testing* branch, never mind the stable branch. This is the defining
line between Debian and most other distributions.

Most other distributions will auto include the latest and greatest with
*very* little bug testing (ther than sufficient testing to get it to at
least install), whereas Debian GNU/Linux does extensive testing and bug
collection *before* it's released. Unstable is the first stop of any
application into the Debian stream. Once it's in Unstable, it will be
eligible for pipelining further into the system once it's been
extensively tested and battered into shape.

David D.W. Downey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Upstream - libpam-pgsql.codecastle.com
Debian - Woody: 0.5.2-3 Sid: 0.5.2-5
State - bugs.debian.org/libpam-pgsql
"The price of Free Software is Eternal Literacy."

"I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees."
                Deloris Clayborn

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