On 08/29/2002 02:45:01 PM Michael Cardenas wrote:
>> can you please post the "company statement" that is refferred here?

Per this web page, http://www.mp3licensing.com/royalty/software.html,  it
will cost Debian $50K per program or $0.75 per apt-get (?)
There is no exception under any circumstances.

Oddly enough, regarding streaming, per
Note: No license is needed for private, non-commercial activities (e.g.,
home-entertainment, receiving broadcasts and creating a personal music
library), not generating revenue or other consideration of any kind or for
entities with an annual gross revenue less than US$ 100 000.00.
So, it costs money to make the SW to encode or decode mp3, but in certain
circumstances it doesn't cost $3K per year to stream mp3.
A streamer would still be in non-free because the license discriminates
against various user activities, such as commercial activities.

So, per one PR flack whom updates their web page, there is no exception.
Per another PR flack, there is "no change".
What is the true license?  Whom knows.

If I can't figure it out, I'm not going to flame slashdot for not figuring
it out either.

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