On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Adam C Powell IV wrote:

>   Greetings,
> Just writing to request a "second opinion" on this bug.
> Current dpkg behavior does not allow a package to replace a directory
> with a symlink during upgrade.  This broke a libc6-dev upgrade when I
> made an unstable chroot from a potato tarball on an ARM system a couple
> of months ago.  See bug 151669 and the debian-arm thread I started a
> while ago (URL below) for details.
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-arm/2002/debian-arm-200208/msg00017.html
> Wichert promptly closed my bug reporting this, #156463, saying "this is
> the way it's supposed to be".
> IMHO, this is broken behavior, as it creates a limitation on package
> upgrading which has nothing whatsoever to do with policy, or with any
> sound reason for that matter.  Furthermore, that upgrade behaves
> differently in this regard from remove then install (which works just
> fine) sounds bizarre.  Is there something I'm overlooking such that
> things should be this way?
> Please cc me in replies as I'm not subscribed.

So, what happens when someone does this:

mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda5
mount /dev/sda5 /mount/sda5/
cp -a /usr /mount/sda5/usr
cp -a /var /mount/sda5/var
rm -rf /usr
rm -rf /var
ln -s mount/sda5/usr usr
ln -s mount/sda5/var var

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