On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 01:58:57PM +0200, Peter Mathiasson wrote:
> What I'm trying to say is, does it really matter? Why not just make a
> maintainer upload when you have time, be it before or after the NMU
> enters the pool.
> For you the NMU seems like a waste of time, but it was not a waste of
> _your_ time, nor of the current maintainers (except for looking at a
> diff which changed nothing but the build-depends field from what I can
> tell, w/o looking at neither the package nor the NMU).

I think someone can be a "current" maintainer even if they haven't uploaded
stuff instantly after a -d-a post.

A NMU is a waste of effort if the same thing can be done by the maintainer
after just one quick email message -- primarily a waste of effort for the
NMUer who has to go in and figure out how to fix the package, not the
maintainer. If we can save others that time by doing what we're simply
supposed to do, well, I see no reason not to do that.

NMUer time is better spent on really unmaintained packages.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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