Alastair McKinstry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 22:16, Steve Greenland wrote:
> > (re-arranged a little)
> > 
> > Alastair, did you miss the "dselect just stop (I have to C-c to
> > get out)" part of Arnaud's message? Because you can't just hang an
> > installation run because you're having to guess a default. (I
> > don't think you are, actually, because I've seen the barrage of
> > keymap messages before, but never had a problem with it hanging.)
> Oops. Yes, I did. I don't understand why it should hang; I'll log it
> as a bug and investigate. Might it be due to what you installed
> next? (I can't reproduce it yet; any further info would help).

Sorry, I '='ed console-data in dselect and dselect did not hang, so I
think it's not because of console-data. I fall back in testing and
every thing is good.

I do not know which package hang dselect because a lot of package
wanted to be updated and I did try to install a lot of new packages.

> Regards,
> Alastair

PS: Alstair, I forgot to sign my message! :-)

-- Arnaud Vandyck <>

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