Arnd wrote:
> Ok, but I still would love to see single patches instead of one big
> patch containing all the common stuff. You can't really avoid
> situations where you want a patch on all architectures except one or
> two. This may be either because a patch breaks on one architecture
> (which should be of course be fixed, but you might not want to 
> rebuild all kernels and modules on all other architectures because of
> it), or because the same fix is contained both in the debian collection
> and in the patch set published by the upstream arch kernel maintainer.
> I'm not sure if dh-kpatches already solves this problem, but it should
> be possible to add.

If you mean, whether it can handle something like "Architecture:
!ia64, !hppa", well, not yet, although it could be done.  But that
would mean stopping the use of make-kpkg-level architecture support,
just like it does not use make-kpkg-level kernel-version support.
Although that may not look like a big deal, that seems to show that at
some time a redesign of the interface between make-kpkg and the
patches themselves would be a good idea.

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