On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 09:36:17AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> > You could start by telling us what maildirmake is supposed to do. Why
> > do we need it? Any program I know of which can handle Maildir is not
> > only capable of storing messages in Maildir folders but also of
> > generating them. This includes e.g. the exim(4) MTA, MDAs like
> > procmail or maildrop, and the MUA mutt.
> As far as I am aware, maildrop does *not* support creating Maildirs.

Not intrinsically, but it's trivial to hack it,

DUMMY=`[ -d mail/maildir ] || maildirmake mail/maildir`

> Even if it does support creating top level Maildir (last I tested it
> didn't seem to), it doesn't support creating a maildir within a maildir
> (this apparently is a bit different, and it used by courier-imap). You
> do with with maildirmake (or at least the version I have installed) with
> the -f option.

DUMMY=`[ -d mail/maildir/.folder ] || maildirmake -f folder mail/maildir`

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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