On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 01:26:38PM +0900, GOTO Masanori wrote:

> Performance improvement is _not_ my primary intention.At least it needs to
> support libc6-686:
>   - LinuxThreads floating stack support.  It's ready for i686 and later.
>   - NPTL/TLS support.  NPTL currently supports i486 and later because
>     pthread_spin_trylock uses cmpxchgl instruction (well, it's not
>     difficult to support i386, but imagine pthread on i386 with the
>     max clock (I recall it was 20MHz?) speed and memory...)
> and so on. 

Ah, I was not aware of this.  I am very interested in both of these

> BTW, I also think that 5% performance improvement with optimization is
> valuable.  It's not easy to accelerate 5% performance without any source
> code modification and hardware improvement.  In addition, it reduces the
> user responce time, I think it's more important than increasing throughput
> (= computational speed).

5% may or may not be valuable depending on the cost.  Where did this
particular figure come from (5%)?

> IMHO, the problem is the lack of real data which compares non- optimized
> vs optimized binary performance on the actual environment.  I often heard
> the perfomance improvement issue using gcc optimization like Gentoo, but I
> merely saw the real perfomance comparison graph.  So, supporting optimized
> library is not primary issue for at least libc.

I see a lot of handwaving from gentoo users and the like, but no convincing
concrete measurements.  Most of what I see is:

- "I switched from <distribution X> to <optimized toy> and now <foo> is much

- "I run <distribution X> on one PC, and <optimized toy> on the other, and
  the optimized one is way faster!  They're exactly the same hardware except
  [they're not]"

- "I compared an un-optimized build of <foo> (no -O at all) to one compiled
  with -O27 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-all-loops -march=pentium3
  -mcpu=pentium3 -mfpmath=sse -mmmx -msse
  -mother-options-i-dont-even-understand -mi-didnt-read-the-manual"

These claims are usually subjective, but sometimes they come with numbers,
which are meaningless because there are so many variables involved.

 - mdz

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