On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 07:37:29PM +0000, Michelle Ribeiro wrote:
> Em 30 Jul 2003 15:09:51 -0400
> Joe Drew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> > I've been waiting for them to speak up as they have said they
> > would. I am in favour of holding Debconf 4 in South America, but
> > will organise it in Vancouver if necessary.
> Yeah, we would like to host the next Debconf in Brazil, Porto
> Alegre, some days before the International Free Software
> Forum. Thus, devels can join us at this event, if they like.

With a list set up, discussion planning, and funding research well
underway and with the most prominent Debconf4 organizer up until now
(Joe Drew) in support, I think the Brazilians have their foot in the
door on this one. There was a bit of discussion about doing it again
next year at Brazil at Debconf3 with a lot of positive feedback. Doing
it with the IFSF will cut down on travel costs and increase
sponsorship possibilities.

Personally, I really like to see South America host an official
Debconf. With a bit of searching the tickets can be reasonable from
both the North American and Europe. Once you're there, you will make
it up quickly because you won't spend much while you are there. 

It would be nice to give the folks in South America, who have been
largely unrepresented at the past Debconfs, a chance to
participate. Brazil has been extremely active in the Free Software
arena and much of the rest of the world hears remarkably little.

> Before make a "official proposal", we are checking for free food and
> accommodations, plane tickets and some government support.

This seems extremely reasonable. I hope this all works out well and am
looking forward to hearing more about this.

> As the dollar is 1,00 to 2.89 real (local money) this travel should
> be very cheap. :)

From what I've been told, this means that in practical terms you can
go out to dinner and eat and drink as much as you can and have trouble
dropping more than 12USD.

But IMHO, the best part about having Debconf in Brazil that is those
those us that go to Debconf also get to go to Brazil. :)


Benj. Mako Hill

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