On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 12:33:18AM +1000, Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
was heard to say:
> > I think Debian's package system is remarkably nice. Unfortunately,
> > it's UI leaves a lot to be desired. The biggest problem is probably
> Which UI did you use? We have a few. apt-get is not an interface for the
> Debian newbie. dselect and aptitude are GUI tools if that's what you
> need.

  aptitude is neither a GUI tool nor a tool for the Debian newbie.  The
GUI tool I hear mentioned most frequently is synaptic; maybe the writer
would have better luck with that?


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------\
|              Will the last person to leave the Universe please              |
|              turn off the lights and close the door?                        |
\-Evil Overlord, Inc: planning your future today. http://www.eviloverlord.com-/

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