Cédric Delfosse dijo [Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:04:45AM +0200]:
> Hello
> at work, I have played a little bit with a Redhat 9. There are lots of
> nice system setup tools that could be useful for Debian users. These
> tools are GPL.
> The problems are:
>  - no source tar.gz / tar.bz2 distribution (AFAIK),
>  - no Redhat anonymous CVS access (AFAIK),
>  - only SRPM distribution.
> So, I wonder if someone has already built a package from a SRPM package
> ?

IIRC, the SRPM must contain a orig.tar.gz, a 'spec' file (I understand
is something encompassing our 'control' and 'rules' files) and,
optionally, some patches.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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