On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 10:10:31AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Anthony Towns (aj@azure.humbug.org.au):
> > Tagging the bug help is a good idea, but if it doesn't work the
> > responsibility is *still* the NMUer's to find some way that does. Not
> > the community's, not the list's, not the release manager's: the NMUer's.
> I undoubtly agree with that point....Not with Stephen Frost's point,
> however.....
> If my NMU raises a portability issue (previously hidden), I *am*
> responsible for dealing with it.

And i i try to build a random package from source, and it FTBFS, am i
going to be responsible for fixing it if i fill the FTBFS bug report ?


Sven Luther

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