[I am not on debian-devel but reading the list through Usenet gateway]

jason andrade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /dev/sdf1            100798036  98652428   2145608  98% /raid/lun1p1
> and that is by moving a chunk of debian archives into another disk and
> symlinking back in..

You may also want to see mount(8) and look for bind from the manual
page. Since there is not very much about it, I will just quote it
below. From mount(8):

       Since Linux 2.4.0 it is possible to remount part of the file
       hierarchy somewhere else. The call is
              mount --bind olddir newdir

ftp.fi.debian.org has the whole debian/ on the same partition but a
couple of directories, such as debian-cd/, that were previously on the
same partition with the mirror root are now mounted from a new
location with the --bind option.  /etc/fstab also works with bind
option with something like:

/newloc/debian-cd /oldloc/debian-cd none bind,noatime,noexec,nodev

Using bind should keep all mirroring programs happy since they do not
have to get confused when they find a symlink instead of

Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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