On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 03:29:04PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> Either satisfies the first part of my question, but at least your second
> option doesn't satisfy the second part of my question. I'll repeat:
>   "without leaving old System.map junk around for eternity"
> When would you clean up the "backups" you've created?

I decided I'll spend my time actualy implementing it instead of responding
to this sort of trivial questions.

Then you can look at the package and find the answer yourself.

Robert Millan

"[..] but the delight and pride of Aule is in the deed of making, and in the
thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery; wherefore he
gives and hoards not, and is free from care, passing ever on to some new work."

 -- J.R.R.T, Ainulindale (Silmarillion)

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