Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Could someone please tell me how to make Home and End to work as they
> did in emacs20, both in console and X?

  (global-set-key [home]          'beginning-of-buffer)
  (global-set-key [?\e ?\[ ?1 ?~] 'beginning-of-buffer)

  (global-set-key [end]           'end-of-buffer)
  (global-set-key [?\e ?\[ ?4 ?~] 'end-of-buffer)

Of course, the control sequences are terminal-specific. These are the
ones I get with the Linux console (I suppose they come from VT100
terminals). To find the particular sequence emitted by your terminal for
a given key, you can type "C-q <key>" in the *scratch* buffer.

Also, you can make those bindings happen only under X or only in a
console environment with

  (when (window-system)


  (unless (window-system)




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