On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:57:29PM +0000, Henning Makholm wrote:

| > Because you gain *nothing*
| Are you claiming that everyone who says that .desktop has technical
| advantages is a liar? These features actually do not exist in the
| desktop format? (It may be so; I have no firsthand information, but it
| does sound far out).

Most of the advantages of .desktop that I am aware of are currently
vapourware - i.e. they're in the specs on the freedesktop.org site, but
not yet implemented in KDE and Gnome.  However, since both KDE and Gnome
developers helped to write the specs in question, it seems not
altogether unreasonable to expect some kind of implementation of them in
the future.  Internationalisation is the big one that's here already,
and IMHO should be added to the Debian menu system regardless of any
outcome w.r.t. freedesktop.

The relevant pages on the freedesktop.org site are:


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