In your email to me, Vincent Renardias, you wrote:
> On Wed, 28 May 1997, Tim Sailer wrote:
> > I have a client that just got carried away (as root of course) with a
> > chmod -R in the wrong dir. I really miss the chkperms stuff deom $CO
> > at times like this... so, I'm going to write one in perl. Since each
> > package has a .list file already, would it be a big deal to have
> > each developer to add a default file perm, and owner/group to each
> > line, and have dpkg not have a problem with this?
> I rather think this is dpkg's job. _(; We could (easily?) convert the 

True, but what about a utility that would be able to fix mistakes, or
just to check to make sure all the perms were correct and to report
the wrong ones. Again, this is like tripwire, but tripwire doesn't
fix anything (and currently doesn't work).

> .list files to a format looking like this (for each file):
> md5sum                           size  owner group mode type filename
> b4f978d71d6dd8d4558632b5a185f28d 37760 root  root  755  r    /bin/ls
> (with type being 'r' for regular files, 'b', 'c', 'p', 'l' for 
> (respectively) block and character devices, pipes, links).
> This is just an example, but I think this is all the info we need, and it 
> could easily be done by dpkg-deb while making the package.

This is almost what SCO has, without the file type and md5 (If I remember
right.. it's been a few years)


          "The quality of accurate observation is commonly called 
                 cynicism by those who have not got it."
  G.B. Shaw
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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