On Thursday 02 December 2004 09:07 pm, Chasecreek Systemhouse wrote:
> So, you are saying that all we need to do is cross reference all the
> co-dependencies for package or dselect scenario X?

  I don't understand your question.

  If you have a dependency on a pure virtual package, it should be preceded 
(and ORed with) a dependency on a real package so that apt behaves 

> Um, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the package selection
> automation process?

  I don't understand what this has to do with the previous question.

> What would the formula be get dselect Desktop to actually install
> Gnome on an Ultrasparc when there is a chain of co/required
> dependencies failures?

  I don't understand what this has to do with Gnome or anything I said.


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ------------------\
|           The thing that really depresses me about my cynicism            |
|           is that it's not as cynical as real life.                       |
\--- Be like the kid in the movie!  Play chess! -- http://www.uschess.org --/

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