On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 11:41:42 -0800, Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> I don't think we have the slightest chance of proving to any court
> that Debian is a common carrier, given the several inches of policy
> manual that specify the nature of the content, etc.

        Say what? Where is this policy that specifies on the nature of
 content? I see a technical policy that specifies on how something is
 packaged, but nothing at all that states what the content may be. The
 closes I can see is stating what licese something is released under.

        Oh, and if we do not specify what the nature of what we
 package, would it be easier to prove we merely carry packages?  That
 would really be nice.

Walking on water wasn't built in a day. Jack Kerouac
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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