

I have not heard back from you.

I sent you an email about a week ago on September 29, and 
received no response. 

But I know that sometimes website owners are really busy, 
and my first email can sometimes go overlooked. 

So I've sent this 2nd email message to follow up with you, 
and ask you what you thought of my original advertising 
In case you didn't receive it, I am interested in 
creating an advertising partnership with you. 
Below you’ll see that I’ve attached my original email, 
explaining how I think we can both benefit by doing 
business together.

Please let me know if you are interested in carrying 
this conversation further.


Reece Ottoman



I was recently reviewing my top keywords in some of the major 
search engines and I came across your web site: 

I noticed you already focus a little on multiple org*as*ms and 
provide information on it, and I thought I'd get in touch with you 
because I have a similar product based on "multiple O" principles. 
I am suggesting that you could become an affiliate partner of 
my web business at: 
Essentially, I will pay you a fee for linking to my web site. 

If we were to join forces, we have the potential to create an 
additional revenue stream for both of us, without exhausting 
time or investing money.

I've put some more details below about what my site and 
affiliate program is about, if you are interested.

I know you must be really busy, so if this email escapes
your attention, I hope you don't mind if I follow up with
you in about a week or so, to see what you thought of this

Thankyou for your consideration.


Reece Ottoman



I will keep this short. At my website,, I provide free information, 
tips and advice about the subject of Tantra - in particular, 
about a technique that helps men achieve male multiple 
It's a Chinese Tantric natural therapy technique using tantric breathing 
and muscle control that's been around for years, but nobody has 
mass-marketed it yet. 
I also sell a course on the website called “The Secret of 
Unstoppable S e x - How to get Male Multiple Or*gas*ms”. 

It is a course in the form of an ebook that comes with descriptions 
of exercises for men to practise that will help them achieve 
male multiple or*gas*m. 
It is not adult (ie, no adult pics or videos etc) - it's clinical, 
educational and designed to be sold through doctors' clinics, etc. 
I'll give you a complimentary copy to review, so you can see 
what it's like before becoming a partner.

You don’t actually have to *sell* anything in this partnership, 
you just refer visitors to my web site using a banner ad or 
text link that I provide you with (or you could write a quick 
‘review’ of my website and put a link in it yourself). Setting 
this up only takes a few minutes.

You will receive a 50% commission fee of $48.50 (full retail price 
is $97), every time someone who clicks on one of your links buys 
a course from my site. 

I’ll do everything else, including make the sale, process 
the order, deliver the product, provide 12 months of customer 
service, track your sales, and write and mail your check. I 
use special tracking software to track visitors who come from 
your site to mine, to make sure you get credit for each and 
every sale that you help refer. 

So far, my website which sells the course is pulling in a sales 
ratio ABOVE industry standards. One affiliate produces 1 
sale for every 40 visitors, or 2.5%. This is far above the 
usual industry standard of 1 sale in every 1000 visitors, or 

The point is, you can take part in a business that is 
successful, and make money by promoting this product. 
It only takes a few minutes to get set up, simply by "copy 
and pasting" the powerful arsenal of marketing tools that I 
provide you with onto your website, or into your newsletter.

I provide you with all the HTML, so it really is quick and 
easy to simply 'copy and paste' them into your website. 
Oh, and it won’t cost you anything to join. 

So what do you have to lose? Try it for 1 month and see what 
kind of referral fees you can earn. If you aren’t happy with 
your return, cancel our agreement… you are under absolutely no 
obligation. However, I’m sure that the return will be worth the 
short time it takes to get set up! 

I don’t want to take up all your time by explaining everything 
in a really long email – this one has already grown long 
enough... So you can check out all the details at:

If you’re interested, you’ll also find a form there where you 
can sign up for my Affiliate Program and get set up within a 
few minutes. You’ll get all the exact instructions you need 
so you can be earning referral fees by tonight! 

I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how easy and 
practical it is to earn income from my business. 

This is a perfect opportunity for your company (and mine) to 
increase your profits with very little work! 

I look forward to hearing from you. And if you still have any 
questions after you have visited the web page explaining 
everything, please feel free to email me with any questions 
at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or call me personally at 
+61 431 250 419.  

Yours sincerely, 

Reece Ottoman

PS. This marketing campaign has only just started. 
Get in quick before all your competitors find out, and make 
sure you sell the course to your visitors before your 
competitors do! 

PPS.  If you become an affiliate and would like a free review 
copy of the course, simply reply to this email and I'll 
send you the download codes. 


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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