Package: liquidlnf
Priority: Normal
Version: 2.9.1-2

Please stop using in your debian/watch -- I think it would
be preferable to just disable the watch file until uscan gets https
support, if it doesn't already have it (I think 2.10.7 does though).

John, this mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will open a bug on the package with the
link to your site.


On Thu, 2007-09-20 at 22:18 -0700, John Nagle wrote:
> REF:
> Author: Varun Hiremath
> Date: 2007-07-07 12:52 -700
> To: 423669
> CC: control, Torsten Werner
> New-Topics: Processed: uscan: https support
> Subject: Bug#423669: uscan: https support
> We noticed a wierd usage of our site mentioned in a
> Debian bug report.  Bug report #423669 apparently patched a problem
> by using a link to a CGI script on our site.
> We have a system that rates web pages, and as a service for webmasters,
> we have a little utility, "viewer.cgi", which is used to show users how
> our crawler saw a page.  Somebody stuck this into a Debian watchfile
> because it can be used to read a HTTPS page via HTTP, something they needed.
> But "viewer.cgi" does more than that.  It's not a transparent proxy.
> It truncates pages at 1MB, parses the HTML into a tree, converts
> to Unicode/UTF-8, makes all the links absolute, removes embedded
> content (Javascript, Flash, etc.), and outputs the result as cleaned up
> and properly indented HTML.  What you get out isn't quite what went in.
> So this probably isn't what you want.
> SiteTruth really shouldn't be part of some Debian build procedure.
> We suggest finding some other way to read HTTPS pages with HTTP.
> Wrong tool for the job.  Thanks.
>                               John Nagle
>                               SiteTruth
>                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ian Campbell

Today the East German pole-vault champion became the West German pole-vault

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