On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:58:14PM -0400, James Vega wrote:
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 06:40:23PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
What should happen when several packages divert the same file ?
Which one wins ? What about original files, what do they become ?

Several packages shouldn't divert the same file, IMO.  diversions
are useful for specific circumstances and the diverted/diverting
packages should be closely related (if not from the source).
Alternatives are the better solution when there are myriad,
non-conflicting sources which may provide the same file.

You still have to handle multiple diversions for /bin/sh.  When d-i
installs the system, you have to have a working /bin/sh immediately; you
can't wait for the alternatives mechanism to be set up.  And the only
other option I see (other than diversions) is to prohibit changing
/bin/sh, which will make a lot of people very upset.

I agree that alternatives are the optimal tool here, but I don't know
how that can be achieved.  Suggestions welcome.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 713 440 7475 | http://crustytoothpaste.ath.cx/~bmc | My opinion only
troff on top of XML: http://crustytoothpaste.ath.cx/~bmc/code/thwack
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