On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 16:20:00 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:

> As you may remember, back before I started the DPL job I promised to
> run a survey. 

Thanks for your work!

> 2. On the flip side of that, I'd also like to ask the members of the
>    teams that are acknowledged to perform well to help us with ideas
>    for good practices to follow. Obviously, some working methods may
>    not transfer well from team to team as they face different
>    problems. But it's also clear that some methods *will* work well in
>    a wider context, and it would be nice to see them tried.

Just a short note on this point:

At DebConf8 there will be a BOF about "Best practises in
team-maintaining packages" whichs aims at exchanging experiences
between packaging teams and learning from each other.

Attending this BOF (or reading the results afterwards) might be helpful
for those interested in getting ideas from other teams.


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