At 16:10, someone wrote in another thread:
> I believe that you're using circular arguments with no relevance to the
> actual case in hand. 

At 16:59, Joerg Schilling wrote :
> Before you again and again try to present your speudo arguments that go in 
> circles, carefully read the GPL......

I think we could call it the Schilling pattern. Given how it is
predictable, it looks like we have enough data to determine the
argumentation he will use by advance.

I wonder if that’s enough to make him fail to pass the Turing test.

 .''`.      Debian 5.0 "Lenny" has been released!
: :' :
`. `'   Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told
  `-    me that if you don't install Lenny, he'd melt your brain.

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