Matthew Johnson dijo [Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 08:24:44AM +0100]:
> > It is a useful concept, but I would like to consider them as "special
> > case NMUs" rather than "special case MUs".
> Quite apart from the issue of deciding whether or not something is 'team
> maintained' in all cases, if you are a member of the team and you are
> making uploads to the package, then you should just add yourself to
> uploaders, surely...?
> That said, the option so far which is least bad is "Team Upload" in the
> same way as "QA Upload", i.e. no NMU version number, no  NMU procedures,
> no delay, etc, just something to ack the mismatch of changed-by and
> uploaders/maintainer.

In the pkg-perl group, at least, it is not at all uncommon that a team
member (usually not a DD) works on a package and tags it as ready for
upload. And then a DD just comes along, checks it, builds and uploads
- without having worked with it. It is not precisely a sponsored
upload, but a team activity for both. So, yes, we have usually worked
aroud it by adding both the people who did the work and the DD to

Still, even if the package is group-maintained, it is good to be able
to note who is most familiar or has worked most with the package -
And the current scheme does not properly represent it (save for
parsing debian/changelog)

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