Josselin Mouette <> writes:

> Le mardi 30 juin 2009 à 01:55 +0100, Aneurin Price a écrit :
>> Is there any way of preventing this kind of major breakage in the future?
>> I don't think many people expect that upgrading one package will FUBAR
>> the packaging system.
> Report a critical bug against the package. Arrange so that it can never
> migrate to testing.
>> Is there any chance of Wine becoming functional on amd64 in the forseeable
>> future?
> Yes: hijack the ia32-libs package.

Will you do security support and regular uploads for it too? Or just a
one shot upload? Will you stand against ftp-masters whish to remove

If so then do join the ia32-libs team on alioth and make an
upload. I'm sure Bdale and Frederick have nothing against it. But then
you need to do the work too, not just the talk.


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