On Fri, 03 Jul 2009 14:36:48 -0400, James Westby wrote:

> Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > Josselin Mouette wanted to allow bug numbers instead of URLs in the 
> > Bug-*/Bug
> > fields. Several people expressed their preference for a simple URL field.
> > Sub-thread: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/06/msg00543.html
> I don't like this suggestion at all. Copying and pasting a URL in is
> generally convenient, and while many of us will have quick ways of going
> from a bug number to the bug page, new contributors and those outside
> the project won't, and so it will be harder for them to get the
> information.
> Yes, typing the bugs.debian.org part when you have the bug number is
> tedious, but it's easy, and it's possibly a case of write-one read-many.

I respectfully disagree on that issue.

In my experience bugs in Debian (in whatever context but
also/including current patches) are referred to by their number; the
same is true IMO for upstream bugs in certain fields (e.g. CPAN RT).

I agree that that's not completely obvious/intuitive for "newcomers"
but consumers of the patch format (command line tools, web
interfaces, ...) are free to expand them to URLs, and those
interfaces are probably more used than the raw source packages by the
people who are not intimate with the semantics of the used bug

Maybe I'm too lazy but I'd rather use
    Bug: #123456
    Bug_CPAN: #12345
than having to construct URLs for these cases ...


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