On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 07:03:16AM +0200, sean finney wrote:
> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 09:40:48PM +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:
> > The difference is that those tools provide a reasonable level of
> > functionality with free data.  Weather information is in the public
> > domain because there's no originality to it.  Most programs that display
> > lyrics or album covers are music players, and there is free music
> > (available in our archive, no less) that they can usefully play.
> so should amavis and spamassassin go to contrib because there aren't
> any documented DFSG-free virus and spam going through our mailservers?

I'll bite.  amavis and spamassassin handle emails, and there are in fact
emails that are free.  CVS commit emails for free software projects are
a great example of this.

> better yet, tell me which item in the DFSG says that a program can't be
> Free unless all the purpose or data handled by the software is also Free.
> hint: there isn't one.
> in fact, DFSG #6 (No discrimination against fields of endeavor) could even
> be applied to the exact opposite argument.
> ftp-master has the final say in what goes into the archive, but this
> really sounds like an over-zealous misinterpretation of the DFSG.
> i'd hope that this were a miscommunication and/or not the position
> of the entire team, because otherwise it would take a GR to overturn
> their position.

I'm not arguing the DFSG here.  Packages in both main and contrib must
comply with the DFSG, so any non-compliance with the DFSG makes the
entire argument moot since the packages in question then must go to

What I *am* arguing is Felix's response to Ben.  What I said was
basically clarifying what Ben said, with respect to Felix's response. My
point was that Amarok in fact does not, under any interpretation, belong
in contrib.  It has useful extensions that involve non-free data, but it
is functional without those.  Therefore, Amarok belongs in main even
under the strictest interpretations of the main/contrib divide.

In retrospect, I probably could have used a better word than
"difference".  What I meant is that the package in question (clamz) is
not in the same category as amarok.  There can be legitimate debate on
the issue for one, and no reasonable disagreement on the other.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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