The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested
through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
last week.

Total number of orphaned packages: 621 (new: 5)
Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 143 (new: 1)
Total number of packages requested help for: 65 (new: 0)

Please refer to for more information.


The following packages have been orphaned:

   notifyme (#587243), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: a program to notify the user when other one logs in
     Installations reported by Popcon: 46

   sbm (#587235), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Smart Boot Manager (SBM) is a full-featured boot
     Installations reported by Popcon: 80

   shaperd (#587233), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: a user-mode traffic shaper for tcp-ip networks
     Installations reported by Popcon: 91

   vgacardgames (#587231), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: four SVGAlib card games
     Installations reported by Popcon: 89

   zeromq (#587505), orphaned 2 days ago
     Description: The ZeroMQ messaging library
     Reverse Depends: libzmq-dbg libzmq-dev zeromq-bin
     Installations reported by Popcon: 14

616 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


The following packages have been given up for adoption:

   pybtex (#587423), offered 3 days ago
     Description: BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor
     Installations reported by Popcon: 34

142 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


For the following packages help is requested:

   apt-cross (#540341), requested 328 days ago
     Description: retrieve, build and install libraries for
     Reverse Depends: apt-cross emdebian-crush
       mlton-target-alpha-linux-gnu mlton-target-arm-linux-gnueabi
       mlton-target-hppa-linux-gnu mlton-target-i486-linux-gnu
       mlton-target-ia64-linux-gnu mlton-target-mips-linux-gnu
       mlton-target-mipsel-linux-gnu mlton-target-powerpc-linux-gnu (3 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 346

   apt-xapian-index (#567955), requested 150 days ago
     Description: maintenance tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages
     Reverse Depends: adept ept-cache fuss-launcher
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12328

   ara (#450876), requested 963 days ago
     Description: utility for searching the Debian package database
     Installations reported by Popcon: 101

   asymptote (#517342), requested 489 days ago
     Description: script-based vector graphics language inspired by
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1341

   athcool (#278442), requested 2074 days ago
     Description: Enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
     Installations reported by Popcon: 145

   boinc (#511243), requested 539 days ago
     Description: BOINC distributed computing
     Reverse Depends: boinc-app-milkyway boinc-app-seti boinc-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1570

   chromium-browser (#583826), requested 32 days ago
     Description: Chromium browser
     Reverse Depends: chromium-browser chromium-browser-dbg
       chromium-browser-l10n gecko-mediaplayer sun-java6-plugin
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1406

   cvs (#354176), requested 1589 days ago
     Description: Concurrent Versions System
     Reverse Depends: crossvc cvs-autoreleasedeb cvs-buildpackage cvs2cl
       cvs2html cvschangelogbuilder cvsconnect cvsd cvsps cvsservice (11
       more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 24494

   dctrl-tools (#448284), requested 978 days ago
     Description: Command-line tools to process Debian package
     Reverse Depends: aptfs debian-goodies debtree dlocate
       haskell-devscripts javahelper libsbuild-perl linux-patch-debianlogo
       simple-cdd ubuntu-dev-tools
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12906

   debtags (#567954), requested 150 days ago
     Description: Enables support for package tags
     Reverse Depends: debtags-edit goplay packagesearch
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2595

   dietlibc (#544060), requested 307 days ago
     Description: diet libc - a libc optimized for small size
     Reverse Depends: libowfat-dev
     Installations reported by Popcon: 236

   doc-central (#566364), requested 159 days ago
     Description: web-based documentation browser
     Installations reported by Popcon: 280

   dpkg (#282283), requested 2048 days ago
     Description: dselect: a user tool to manage Debian packages
     Reverse Depends: a2ps acct acl2-doc adacontrol advi advi-examples
       alien alqalam alsa-source am-utils-doc (530 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 91064

   elvis (#432298), requested 1088 days ago
     Description: powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11
     Reverse Depends: elvis elvis-console elvis-tools
     Installations reported by Popcon: 376

   fbcat (#565156), requested 169 days ago
     Description: framebuffer grabber
     Reverse Depends: fbgrab
     Installations reported by Popcon: 91

   flightgear (#487388), requested 740 days ago
     Description: Flight Gear Flight Simulator
     Installations reported by Popcon: 604

   flite (#576327), requested 89 days ago
     Description: A small run-time speech synthesis engine
     Reverse Depends: asterisk-flite brltty-flite eflite flite flite1-dev
       gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad speech-dispatcher
     Installations reported by Popcon: 10542

   gentoo (#422498), requested 1152 days ago
     Description: a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager
     Installations reported by Popcon: 223

   gnat-4.4 (#539562), requested 812 days ago
     Description: help needed to execute test cases
     Reverse Depends: adabrowse adacgi0 adacontrol asis-programs ghdl
       gnat gnat-4.4 gnat-gps gprbuild libadasockets-dev (71 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 529

   gnat-gps (#496905), requested 672 days ago
     Description: co-maintainer needed
     Reverse Depends: gnat-gps-dbg gnat-gps-doc
     Installations reported by Popcon: 244

   grub2 (#248397), requested 2243 days ago
     Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
     Reverse Depends: grub grub-coreboot grub-disk grub-efi
       grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-ia32 grub-ieee1275 grub-legacy
       grub-linuxbios grub-pc (4 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 71806

   gwibber (#573822), requested 109 days ago
     Description: microblogging client for GNOME
     Installations reported by Popcon: 480

   hadoop (#579787), requested 62 days ago
     Description: software platform for processing vast amounts of data
     Reverse Depends: hadoop-bin hadoop-daemons-common hadoop-datanoded
       hadoop-jobtrackerd hadoop-namenoded hadoop-secondarynamenoded
       hadoop-tasktrackerd hbase-daemons-common libhadoop-index-java
       libhadoop-java-doc (1 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 16

   hfsprogs (#557892), requested 218 days ago
     Description: mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems
     Installations reported by Popcon: 723

   hibernate (#558739), requested 213 days ago
     Description: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or
     Installations reported by Popcon: 14112

   hotkey-setup (#483107), requested 765 days ago
     Description: auto-configures laptop hotkeys
     Installations reported by Popcon: 9949

   imagemagick (#452314), requested 953 days ago
     Description: Image manipulation programs
     Reverse Depends: advi-examples afterstep album ansel1 ascd asymptote
       bins calibre calibre-bin cuneiform (98 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 31152

   jove (#470185), requested 844 days ago
     Description: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful
     Reverse Depends: xjove
     Installations reported by Popcon: 410

   kernel-patch-exec-shield (#516488), requested 495 days ago
     Description: protection against stack smashing and other attacks
     Reverse Depends: kernel-patch-exec-shield
     Installations reported by Popcon: 43

   koffice (#541691), requested 320 days ago
     Description: KDE Office Suite
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2616

   kvm (#479951), requested 785 days ago
     Description: Full virtualization on x86 hardware (Need help with
       ia64, ppc and s390)
     Reverse Depends: qemubuilder
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1871

   lesstif2 (#551853), requested 253 days ago
     Description: OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
     Reverse Depends: clustalx cmucl-clm ddd dx elk geomview grace grass
       gridengine-qmon hotswap-gui (51 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 15054

   libapache2-mod-python (#516501), requested 495 days ago
     Description: Python-embedding module for Apache 2
     Reverse Depends: dicoweb
     Installations reported by Popcon: 15775

   libcap2 (#534999), requested 368 days ago
     Description: support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
     Reverse Depends: apache2.2-bin asterisk autodir avahi-daemon bind9
       bind9-host bind9utils cifs-utils dnsutils hercules (71 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 72619

   libopenraw (#530244), requested 404 days ago
     Description: free implementation for RAW decoding
     Reverse Depends: libgegl-0.0-0 libopenraw-dev libopenraw1-dbg
       libopenrawgnome-dev libopenrawgnome1 libopenrawgnome1-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12087

   link-grammar (#556010), requested 230 days ago
     Description: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser for
     Reverse Depends: abiword-plugin-grammar liblink-grammar4
       liblink-grammar4-dev liblink-grammar4-java link-grammar
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8931

   logcheck (#539944), requested 331 days ago
     Description: mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the
     Reverse Depends: fiaif logcheck
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4494

   loop-aes-utils (#385614), requested 1400 days ago
     Description: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
     Reverse Depends: partman-crypto-loop
     Installations reported by Popcon: 574

   lzma (#553707), requested 242 days ago
     Description: future of Debian squashfs-lzma
     Reverse Depends: dtrx libcomplearn-mod-lzmax locales-all lzma-source
     Installations reported by Popcon: 75139

   mdadm (#537993), requested 344 days ago
     Description: tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID)
     Reverse Depends: mdcfg-utils partman-md rescue-mode
     Installations reported by Popcon: 12863

   mediawiki-extensions (#484545), requested 757 days ago
     Description: set of extensions for MediaWiki
     Reverse Depends: mediawiki-extensions
       mediawiki-extensions-confirmedit mediawiki-extensions-fckeditor
       mediawiki-extensions-geshi mediawiki-extensions-ldapauth
       mediawiki-extensions-openid mediawiki-semediawiki
     Installations reported by Popcon: 485

   mol (#436450), requested 1059 days ago
     Description: The Mac-on-Linux emulator
     Reverse Depends: mol-drivers-linux mol-drivers-macos
       mol-drivers-macosx mol-modules-source
     Installations reported by Popcon: 27

   monotone (#574609), requested 104 days ago
     Description: a distributed version (revision) control system; more
       maintainers needed
     Reverse Depends: monotone-doc monotone-server qct
     Installations reported by Popcon: 323

   mtr (#527482), requested 420 days ago
     Description: Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool
     Installations reported by Popcon: 29185

   mutt (#512072), requested 531 days ago
     Description: text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and
     Reverse Depends: debreaper metche mutt-dbg mutt-patched muttprofile
     Installations reported by Popcon: 75982

   mwavem (#313369), requested 1844 days ago (non-free)
     Description: Mwave/ACP modem support software
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1

   nas (#354174), requested 1589 days ago
     Description: The Network Audio System
     Reverse Depends: acm acm4 alsaplayer-nas audiooss camstream
       celestia-kde creox djplay djview3 dssi-example-plugins (109 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 43697

   nn (#470187), requested 844 days ago
     Description: Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 99

   openbox (#566900), requested 157 days ago
     Description: standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible
       window manager
     Reverse Depends: libobrender21 lxde-core obconf openbox openbox-dev
     Installations reported by Popcon: 3405

   openldap (#512360), requested 527 days ago
     Description: OpenLDAP server, libraries, and utilities
     Reverse Depends: adtool alpine am-utils aolserver4-nsldap
       apache2.2-bin asterisk asterisk-h323 audispd-plugins autofs-ldap
       autofs5-ldap (222 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 75634 (#419523), requested 1172 days ago
     Description: Office suite
     Reverse Depends: brdesktop-common brdesktop-gnome
       cli-uno-bridge jabref-plugin-oo
       libjodconverter-java libuno-cli-cppuhelper1.0-cil
       libuno-cli-oootypes1.0-cil libuno-cli-ure1.0-cil (107 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 39690

   openscenegraph (#392266), requested 1360 days ago
     Description: 3d scenegraph
     Reverse Depends: libopenscenegraph-dev libopenscenegraph65
       libopenthreads-dev openscenegraph simgear-dev simgear1.9.1
     Installations reported by Popcon: 182

   openssl (#332498), requested 1729 days ago
     Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
       cryptographic tools
     Reverse Depends: 3270-common afbackup afbackup-client afflib-tools
       aimage aircrack-ng alpine anon-proxy aolserver4-nsimap
       aolserver4-nsopenssl (697 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 90700

   phpwiki (#540061), requested 330 days ago
     Description: informal collaborative website manager
     Installations reported by Popcon: 63

   plt-scheme (#402589), requested 1298 days ago
     Description: PLT scheme programming environment
     Reverse Depends: minlog
     Installations reported by Popcon: 370

   proftpd-dfsg (#519175), requested 478 days ago
     Description: versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
     Reverse Depends: dtc-common gadmin-proftpd proftpd-dev
       proftpd-mod-ldap proftpd-mod-mysql proftpd-mod-odbc
       proftpd-mod-pgsql proftpd-mod-sqlite
     Installations reported by Popcon: 6463

   pyro (#530280), requested 404 days ago
     Description: distributed object system for Python
     Reverse Depends: pyro-examples pyro-gui
     Installations reported by Popcon: 334

   quilt (#543541), requested 310 days ago
     Description: Tool to work with series of patches
     Reverse Depends: batmand-gateway-source broadcom-sta-source
       et131x-source gcc-4.4-source gpib-modules-source gquilt
       mozilla-devscripts nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-source
       nvidia-kernel-source open-vm-source (1 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8448

   resolvconf (#477723), requested 798 days ago
     Description: name server information handler
     Reverse Depends: debian-edu-config
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8791

   sepolgen (#483641), requested 762 days ago
     Description: A Python module used in SELinux policy generation
     Reverse Depends: policycoreutils
     Installations reported by Popcon: 13201

   sql-ledger (#472709), requested 828 days ago
     Description: A web based double-entry accounting program
     Installations reported by Popcon: 113

   usplash (#563195), requested 182 days ago
     Description: Userspace bootsplash utility
     Reverse Depends: education-thin-client libusplash-dev
       tuxonice-userui usplash
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1093

   wine (#479659), requested 786 days ago
     Description: Windows API implementation
     Reverse Depends: dssi-vst libwine-alsa libwine-capi libwine-cms
       libwine-dbg libwine-dev libwine-esd libwine-gl libwine-gphoto2
       libwine-jack (13 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 13216

   yasr (#474251), requested 818 days ago
     Description: General-purpose console screen reader
     Installations reported by Popcon: 48

   zookeeper (#579791), requested 62 days ago
     Description: Information management inside a cluster. Part of the
       hadoop family.
     Reverse Depends: libhbase-java libzkclient-java libzookeeper-dev
       libzookeeper-java-doc python-zookeeper zookeeper zookeeper-bin
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8

See for more information.

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