Am 02.07.2010 08:57, schrieb Joerg Jaspert:
>>> The above URL has the license.  I think that the concepts in the preamble 
>>> are 
>>> interesting, offering software to please Allah and denying the concept of 
>>> "ownership" of Intellectual Property.
>> Which is not only non-free in Debian, we can not distribute it.
>> A software license is not allowed to force other users to please any "god".
> Yes, we can very well distribute a software in non-free that requires
> the user to do whatever funny thing the license author wants from him.
> It is the users problem in non-free if they can follow that or
> not. Debian does only require the distribution rights, and I do not see
> how they are affected in such a thing. How much sense it makes and what
> I personally think of license authors (hint: nothing good at all, DO NOT
> WRITE ANY NEW LICENSE, DAMNIT), is something else.

Okay thanks for the correctur :)

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer


Always if we think we are right,
we were maybe wrong.

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