Don Armstrong a écrit :
> [as a handfull of other vigilant developers]
> How does this [bar] differ from pv?


I used Michael Peek's bar for a few years because I never heard about
pv. Thank you for this notice.

When I read pv's manpage, it appears as more featureful than bar.

I use currently bar to monitor the cloning of USB sticks, as a
replacement of dd to dump 4GB of an image into a flash memory driver.

Is pv able to do the same? for example how can I use pv to monitor the
transfer which is done by modifying a command such as:

dd if=someImageFile of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-TheNiceStick_0878101B77D1D977-0:0

with bar, the replacement would be:
bar -s 4G -if someImageFile -of 

Best regards,                   Georges.

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