On Mon, 01 Nov 2010 05:44:27 +0900, Miles Bader <mi...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Mark Allums <m...@allums.com> writes:
>> In my opinion, and at risk of starting a fruitless spiral into the
>> flames, I think Ubuntu have jumped on the crazy train with 10.10
>> Maverick Meerkat.
> Just out of curiosity, what changed with that version...?
They don't use upstream components like the new GNOME3 notification system
(which is also used on KDE4), but patch all apps to use notify-osd as they
do for Kubuntu since their indicator-kde patches were rejected.
(This is just one example)
They moved window-controls to the left side without any appropriate
reason, ignonring the wishes of their community.
Also, they use Banshee and Tomboy, which results in including Mono to
their default install. (Okay, this is a disk-space problem, but also
And now they won't use GNOME3 GNOME-Shell as default but an own surface
specially designed for Netbooks as default desktop. (It will be changed to
match bigger screen size, but it's initial design was for Netbooks, so this
will become difficult)
We'll see if this way of doing things is successful. In my opinion, it's
not, but I might be wrong - this is what makes the Ubuntu case so
interesting! (And if they do wrong, they can always switch back)
   Matthias Klumpp

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