Le Thu, 13 Jan 2011 13:47:53 +0100,
Dominique Dumont <d...@komarr.gre.hp.com> a écrit :

> Hello


Here the messages I got when checking my guidata package (already in the new 

picca at grisette:~/Debian/guidata/guidata$ config-edit -application 
dpkg-copyright -ui none
You should install Config::Model::TkUI or Config::Model::CursesUI for a more 
friendly user interface
Warning in 'License': key 'CeCILLv2' should match 

Element 'Format-Specification' of node 'Debian::Dpkg::Copyright' is deprecated
In configuration root: (function 'create_element') unknown element 
'Upstream-Author' (configuration class 'Debian::Dpkg::Copyright')
        or an acceptable parameter matching 'X-.*'

So it seems that the CeCILLv2 licence (sort of french GPL licence) [1] is 
unknown of your software:)
Add thoses licences to the licences keys whould be a good things ?. At the end 
how many licences keys ?

See you


[1] http://www.cecill.info/licences.en.html

GPG public key   1024D/A59B1171 2009-08-11
    fingerprint = 1688 A3D6 F0BD E4DF 2E6B  06AA B6A9 BA6A A59B 1171
uid  Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <pi...@synchrotron-soleil.fr>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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